17 June 2008 - taken at 9.20pm, when after a cloudy spell the garden was suddenly lit by a setting sun, and went all golden and groovy and I had to abandon my watering (hence the watering can and hosepipe, bottom right) and dash off and get my camera.

I think this photo gives an idea of the size of the garden. I took this standing in the middle of a flowerbed, with Kitchen Corner right behind me. The tree and white spires of foxgloves, centre, are in Woodland Corner. Millennium Shed (its drainpipe and trellis front at least) is just visible behind the red roses on the right. The other boundary wall is about a metre away to the left edge, just behind the pink roses.

As you can see, it's small - and rather overflowing with plants.

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Garden view - 17 June 2008