Rose Mme Isaac Pereire, June 2004

Above: Rose Mme Isaac Pereire

Garden diary: May

12 June 2008 - Giddy June update

I wanted to post an update about all the happenings of spring and early summer - the way that this year I saw the swifts before I heard them, how now they're all jubilantly loud and calling out constantly above the garden; how the blackbird built a nest on the front of Millennium Shed for the first time, and how Millennium Shed has had some groovy curving trellis added to its front; how the blackbird then abandoned the nest, as she seems to have done with several others; how there are several full-grown frogs in the pond, particularly on hot days, and that I noticed one tiny one, presumably from last year's spawn, swim across the surface, tiny legs extended, then hide in the foliage; how much I love delphiniums and roses, and indeed everything out there in June; how this year's sunshine and showers are so welcome after last June's constant, record-breaking rain.

Back to June highlights and diaries


Delphinium, June 2004

Above: Delphinium, June 2004

Garden diary: July