Arum italicum 'Pictum' leaf, December 2005

Above: Leaf of Arum italicum 'Pictum'.

Garden diary: November

22 December 2001

First snowfall of the winter

Waking to a snow covered garden is even nicer than watching it fall. This morning, a Sunday, the world was suitably quiet around me as I went out into the snow to feed the birds. The snow on the ground still showed the footprints from my boots from the previous night's wander, Spike the cat's pawprints from his short territory-checking wander, and lots of bird tracks going hither and thither.

I was then elsewhere during the day, not returning until dusk, and having to dash around the garden on my return checking a few of the less hardy plants were protected from the plummeting temperatures.

The blackbird appeared to be waiting, also, for the daily change of water in the bird bath, in which he usually bathes just before dusk, generally followed by the female blackbird.

Tonight, around 11pm, I wandered out into the garden in the snow, for a contemplative moment and a cigarette. There's that wonderful quietness in snow, which is also to be favoured because it disguises all the ropey-looking bits of a garden, and covers up all the winter muddiness. I could hear festive revellers leaving the nearby club, but otherwise it was peaceful and still.

Back to December highlights and diaries


Sarcococca berries

Above: Berries of sarcococca, December 2005

Garden diary: January